ES9.0 Recumbent & Upright
Owner’s Guide / 800.426.6570 / 1.636.272.7100
Review for Your Safety
Important Safety Instructions
When using this exercise machine, basic precautions should
always be followed, which includes the following:
Read and understand all instructions and warnings prior to use.
Obtain a medical exam before beginning any exercise program.
If at any time during exercise you feel faint, dizzy, or experience
pain, stop and consult your physician.
Obtain proper instruction prior to use.
Inspect the bike for incorrect, worn, or loose components and do
not use until corrected, replaced, or tightened prior to use.
Do not wear loose or dangling clothing while using the bike.
Care should be used when mounting or dismounting the bike.
Read, understand, and test the emergency stop procedures before
Disconnect all power before servicing the bike.
Do not exceed maximum user weight of 350 lbs.
Keep children and animals away.
All exercise equipment is potentially hazardous. If attention is not
paid to the conditions of equipment usage, death or serious injury
could occur.
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Quick Start
The best way to learn to use the ES9.0 bike is to keep pressing
keys to see what happens — explore it at your own pace.
Remember: the bike must be plugged into a wall outlet using
the supplied wall transformer. The power input jack is located
on the lower right side of the bike.
Just Get On
and Ride!
Begin pedaling.
Starting Up
The display will wake up and prompt for your weight,
workout selection, and workout time.
Enter your workout parameters and press
, or
immediately press
for a quick start into a manual
The bike will retain your workout data for about 15 seconds after
you stop pedaling.
Press the
key to change the workout data display.
the Data
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Table of Contents
Quick Start ....................................................................................4
1. Riding Your Bike........ ..............................................................6
Basic Operation (except console)
2. The Display................................................................................13
Describes each key and data display feature
3. Pre-Set Workouts.....................................................................17
Details on basic exercise modes
4. Heart Rate Control...................................................................20
Foolproof heart rate feedback workouts
5. Designing an Exercise Program.............................................25
6. Care and Maintenance.............................................................34
Appendix A....................................................................................36
Target Heart Rate Chart
Appendix B.....................................................................................38
Bike Specifications
Specifications/Features/Software are subject to change
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Chapter One
Riding Your Bike
In This Chapter:
Getting Comfortable
Using the Chest Strap
Using Contact Heart Rate
For Best Results
Chapter 1: Riding Your Bike
Chapter 2: The Display
Chapter 3: Pre-Set Workouts
Chapter 4: Heart Rate Control
Chapter 5: Designing an Exercise Program
Chapter 6: Care and Maintenance
Getting Comfortable
chapter One: Riding Your Bike
The body weight setting does
Setting Your
Variations in human
exercise efficiency are
another potential source
of error, with differences of
plus or minus 10% common
in the population.
not affect the calorie expendi-
ture calculation. Unlike tread-
mills or other weight-bearing
exercises, calories burned
during exercise biking does not
change with
different body weights.
Adjust the seat so that
when your leg is fully
extended with your
feet in the pedals, your
knee is slightly bent.
Bike Seat
While standing next to the bike, pull out the
seat adjust knob and lower the seat to the
lowest position. Next, get onto the bike with
one leg fully extended in a pedal, supporting
most of your weight. Grasp the horn of the
seat and pull it up under you to a snug fit,
letting the ratcheting mechanism lock the
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Getting Comfortable
chapter One: Riding Your Bike
Riders are most efficient if they place
the ball of their foot in the center of
the pedal.
Other riders are more comfortable
if the arch of their foot is against
the pedal. Riders are encouraged to
be as efficient as possible, but use
your own judgment in the comfort/
efficiency trade-off.
Most riders will find a comfort/efficiency sweet spot at a
pedal cadence around 80 rpm. More serious riders desiring
maximum performance typically pedal at around 100 rpm. For
electromechanical and safety reasons, the bike will not provide
the fully requested workload when your pedal cadence falls
below 55 rpm.
Breathe in a regular and relaxed manner. Many exercisers do
not breathe enough, which reduces their exercise capacity and
comfort. You might want to try breathing deeper and more
frequently to see if it helps your exercise regime.
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Using the Chest Strap
chapter One: Riding Your Bike
The ES9.0 bike has two ways of monitoring your heart rate:
Your Heart
1. By using a chest strap that transmits your heart rate to the
bike via radio.
2. By using the metal contact heart rate pads on the handlebars.
Upright HRC Pads
Recumbent HRC Pads
Although your bike functions fine without using the heart
rate monitoring feature, this kind of monitoring gives you
valuable feedback on your effort level. Chest strap monitoring
also allows you to use Heart Rate Control, which is the most
advanced exercise control system available.
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Using the Chest Strap
chapter One: Riding Your Bike
When you wear a Polar® or compatible transmitter strap, the
Chest Strap
Heart Rate
bike will display your heart rate as a digital beats-per-minute
(bpm) readout.
The transmitter strap should be worn
directly against your skin, about one
inch below the pectoral muscles/
breast line (see picture). Women
should be careful to place the trans-
mitter below their bra line.
Examples of Heart Rates
Found in Daily Life
An average 30-year-old might have
a resting heart rate, when sitting
totally still for several minutes, of
65. During hard exercise that can
be sustained for 10 to 15 minutes it
might be around 140 continuously.
A maximum heart rate that requires
maximal exercise for several minutes
to attain is 185.
Some moisture is neces-
sary between the strap and
your skin. Sweat from your
exercise works best, but
ordinary tap water may be
used prior to your workout
A 30-year-old in good shape might
have a resting heart rate near 55, and
might exercise for 20 minutes at a
heart rate of 160.
A world-class distance runner or pro-
fessional cyclist might have a resting
heart rate near 45.
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Using Contact Heart Rate
chapter One: Riding Your Bike
The contact heart rate system lets you monitor your heart rate
Heart Rate
without wearing a strap.
Gently grasp the contact heart rate pads as shown below.
When the system detects your hands, a red heart will appear in
the Heart Rate field of the data display and will flash in time with
your heart beat. During this time, the system is analyzing and
locking in your heart rate. Within about 15 seconds, your digital
heart rate in beats per minute (bpm) should be displayed.
A Note on CHR Accuracy
CHR monitoring may be a bit less
accurate than a chest strap, since
the heart rate signals are much
stronger at the chest.
About 5% of the population cannot
be picked up by any CHR system.
This is because their heart is po-
sitioned in a more up-and-down
manner in their chest, as opposed
to leaning over to one side.
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
For Best Results
chapter One: Riding Your Bike
1. Exercise with smooth body motions. Avoid excessive body
motion, especially in your arms and upper body.
For Best
2. Breathe smoothly and regularly, and avoid talking. (Talk-
ing will cause unrepresentative heart rate spikes of 5 to 10
3. Grip the pads lightly, not tightly.
4. Make sure your hands are clean, free of both dirt and hand
When using a Heart Rate Control (HRC) workout, it is best to
use chest strap monitoring. These workouts work best with the
extra accuracy gained from a chest-contact heart rate monitoring
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Chapter Two
The Display
In This Chapter:
Your Display
The Upper Panel
The Lower Panel
Chapter 1: Riding Your Bike
Chapter 2: The Display
Chapter 3: Manual and Pre-Set Programs
Chapter 4: Heart Rate Control
Chapter 5: Designing an Exercise Program
Chapter 6: Care and Maintenance
Your Display
chapter Two: The Display
The bike display has two jobs: to let you control the bike
operation, and to give you feedback about your workout. The
controls are simple and designed to be foolproof; it’s hard to press
a “wrong” key. You can monitor eight different kinds of
physiological data, and your workout progress is tracked
graphically with the center matrix display
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
The Upper Panel
chapter Two: The Display
Watts: The amount of mechanical
power the bike is receiving from
your exercise. This is not the same
as the amount of power your body
is using, since the average person is
only about 20% efficient at generat-
Time: The amount of
time remaining in your
workout. If you press
, this becomes
Heart Rate:
In beats
elapsed time: how long
you’ve been working out
so far.*
ing mechanical power. *
Distance: An
estimate of how
per minute
METs: Your
METs rate.*
RPM: Your pedal
far you would have
traveled on an out-
door road bike.*
Work Level: The
cadence. *
selected workout
Calories: An es-
timate of your
calories burned. This
doesn’t include your
basal metabolic rate,
which is about 72
calories per hour for a
150-pound person.*
*Pressing the “Change Display” key switches the readout from
the top values to the bottom values and will light up the LEDs of
the values now being displayed. If you press and hold the “Change
Display” key for one second, the display will enter “Scan Mode”
and switch between the two sets of values.
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
The Lower Panel
chapter Two: The Display
Numeric: Used for data
entry in workout setup.
During a workout, used
to change workload
Pre-set Workouts: Selects
desired workout profile.
by entering a numeric
value and pressing
Random: Generates
a different program
profile each time
Enter: Accepts
the current
data entry.
Clear: Zeros-
out current
data entry.
Workload: Adjusts work-
load up and down. Keys
repeat if held down.
Start: Starts
a workout
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Chapter Three
Pre-Set Workouts
In This Chapter:
How These Modes Work
Workout Profiles
How Your Bike Controls Your Workout
Chapter 1: Riding Your Bike
Chapter 2: The Display
Chapter 3: Pre-Set Workouts
Chapter 4: Heart Rate Control
Chapter 5: Designing an Exercise Program
Chapter 6: Care and Maintenance
How These Modes Work
chapter Three: Pre-Set workouts
Manual control mode changes workload in 10-watt increments.
The workload stays the same at any pedal cadence (called con-
stant power control) unless you drop below 55 rpm. Below 55
rpm, workload is reduced along with pedal cadence, to prevent
the sensation of the pedals “locking up.”
Three different pre-set workouts are available:
Cardio Challenge, with the workload gradually rising
until you reach the middle of your workout time, then
gradually decreasing to the end.
Fat Burn, with a warmup stage increasing to a
steady-state workload for the majority of the workout,
then a cool-down at the end.
Hills, with four work intervals separated by four
rest intervals.
The Random program creates a different workout profile each
time you press the key.
Sixteen different levels are available to change the difficulty of a
workout. The workload intensities expand and contract
depending on the level.
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Workout Profiles
chapter Three: Pre-Set Workouts
Cardio Challenge
FAt Burn
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Chapter Four
Heart Rate Control
In This Chapter:
Introduction to HRC
Types of HRC
Heart Rate Control workouts
Important Points About HRC
Chapter 1: Riding Your Bike
Chapter 2: The Display
Chapter 3: Pre-Set Workouts
Chapter 4: Heart Rate Control
Chapter 5: Designing an Exercise Program
Chapter 6: Care and Maintenance
Introduction to HRC
chapter Four: Heart Rate Control
TRUE’s heart rate control (HRC) workout lets the bike monitor
your relative exercise intensity by way of your heart rate, then
automatically adjust the workload to keep you at your desired
exercise intensity.
Your heart rate is a good measure of your body’s exercise stress
level. It reflects differences in your physical condition, how tired
you are, the comfort of the workout environment, even your diet
and emotional state. Thus, using heart rate to control workload
takes the guesswork out of your workout settings.
Consult your physician before using heart rate controlled work-
outs for advice on selecting a target heart rate range. Also, it is im-
portant to use the bike for several workouts in the manual mode
while monitoring your heart rate. Compare your heart rate with
how you feel to ensure your safety and comfort.
You need to wear a heart rate monitoring chest strap to use heart
rate control. See the “Monitoring Your Heart Rate” section in
Chapter 1 for a guide to proper usage.
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Types of HRC
chapter Four: Heart Rate Control
The ES9.0 bike has two types of heart rate control:
Types of
Constant: pick a target heart rate, and the bike will
control your workout from the very beginning so that
you reach your target within five to seven minutes.
Cruise Control: while in any program, set your
current heart rate as your target by pressing a single
Remember to check with your physician before beginning any ex-
ercise program. He/She can help determine an appropriate target
heart rate. Medications often affect heart rate.
Heart Rate
And Target
Heart Rate
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Heart Rate Control Workouts
chapter Four: Heart Rate Control
Constant HRC is the best-known type of HRC, and is the easiest
to use. The bike will gradually raise your heart rate so that you
reach your target within 5 to 7 minutes.
Note that as you tire during your workout, especially in the last
third, workload will usually have to be reduced to keep you at a
steady target heart rate.
Cruise Control is the simplest way to enter Constant HRC train-
ing. While in manual or any program you can enter Constant
HRC by simply pressing the HRC Cruise Control key. Your cur-
rent heart rate will be set as the target.
For best results, you should be at least five minutes into your
workout and warmed up. This will allow Cruise Control to more
accurately control your heart rate.
Remember, you must be wearing a chest strap, and your heart
rate should be displayed in the Heart Rate window.
To change your target heart rate press HRC Cruise Control. Edit
the target using
or numeric keys and press
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Important Points About HRC
chapter Four: Heart Rate Control
The heart rate monitor transmitter strap should be worn
Heart Rate
according to the guidelines in Chapter 1.
If the transmitter strap is adjusted or moved while exercising,
heart rate monitoring may be temporarily affected.
If communication is lost for 30 seconds, the bike will exit the
HRC workout into a manual workout.
The transmitter strap sends a low-level radio signal to the bike,
so interference from other radio and sound waves (including
everything from cordless telephones to loudspeakers) is possi-
ble. The good news is that this interference is usually quite brief.
If you continue to have intermittent heart rate display problems,
consult your local service technician, as the transmitter strap
batteries may be low.
Make sure you breathe smoothly and regularly.
Talking during your workout usually causes heart rate spikes of
five beats per minute or more, so avoid talking as much as
Maintain a smooth walking or running motion.
Two users wearing the same kind of transmitter at the same time
and in close proximity may cause false heart rate display read-
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Chapter Five
Designing an Exercise
In This Chapter:
The F.I.T. Concept Defined
Utilizing the F.I.T. Concept
Beginning Your F.I.T. Program
Establishing and Maintaining Fitness
Weight Management
Sports Training Program
Chapter 1: Riding Your Bike
Chapter 2: The Display
Chapter 3: Manual and Pre-Set Programs
Chapter 4: Heart Rate Control
Chapter 5: Designing an Exercise Program
Chapter 6: Care and Maintenance
The F.I.T. Concept Defined
chapter Five: Designing an Exercise Program
The workout portion of your exercise program consists of three
major variables: Frequency, Intensity, and Time.
Frequency: How Often You Exercise
You should exercise three to five times a week to improve your
cardiovascular and muscle fitness. Improvements are signifi-
cantly smaller with less frequent exercise.
Intensity: How Hard You Exercise
Intensity of exercise is reflected in your heart rate. Exercise must
be sufficiently rigorous to strengthen your heart muscle and
condition your cardiovascular system. Only your doctor can
prescribe the target training heart range appropriate for your
particular needs and physical condition.
Start with exercise that stimulates you to breathe more deeply.
Alternate days of moderate and easy exercise to help your body
adapt to new levels of exertion without unnecessary strain.
If you are just beginning an exercise program, you may be most
comfortable using your bike at low workloads. As you use your
bike regularly, higher workloads may be more comfortable and
more effective.
If you feel out of breath before you have exercised 12 minutes,
you are probably exercising too hard.
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
More F.I.T. Concept Overview
chapter Five: Designing an Exercise Program
As your fitness level improves, you will need to increase your
workout intensity in order to reach your target heart rate. The
first increase may be necessary after two to four weeks of regular
exercise. Never exceed your target heart rate zone. Increase the
workload on the bike to raise your heart rate to the level recom-
mended by your doctor.
One MET is the amount of energy your body uses when you’re
resting. If a physical activity has an equivalent of six METs, its en-
ergy demands are six times that of your resting state. The MET is
a useful measurement because it accounts for differences in body
Time: How Long You Exercise
Sustained exercise conditions your heart, lungs, and muscles. The
longer you are able to sustain exercise within your target heart
range, the greater the aerobic benefits.
To begin, maintain two to three minutes of steady, rhythmic exer-
cise and then check your heart rate.
The initial goal for aerobic training is 12 continuous minutes.
Increase your workout time approximately one or two minutes
per week until you are able to maintain 20-30 continuous minutes
at your training heart rate.
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Utilizing the F.I.T. Concept
chapter Five: Designing an Exercise Program
The F.I.T. concept is designed to help you begin a program
tailored to your needs. You may wish to keep an exercise log to
monitor your progress.
You can get valuable fitness benefits from your TRUE Bike. Us-
ing the bike regularly may increase the ability of your heart and
lungs to supply oxygen and nutrients to exercising muscles over
extended period of time. The bike will also help you develop
added muscle endurance and balanced strength throughout your
Your Needs
Calculate your maximum heart rate as a first step in developing
your fitness program. One formula to calculate average maxi-
mum heart rate for one minute is:
220 - Age
To find your pulse, locate a vein on your neck or inside your
wrist, then count beats for ten seconds, then multiply by six.
It’s also important to know your target training zone or target
heart rate. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
suggests 55% to 65% for lower-conditioned users, 75% to 80%
for moderately conditioned users, and up to 90% for well-condi-
tioned users.
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Beginning Your F.I.T. Program
chapter Five: Designing an Exercise Program
In addition to monitoring your heart rate as you exercise, be
certain of how quickly your heart rate recovers. If your heart rate
is over 120 beats per minute five minutes after exercising, or is
higher than normal the morning after exercising, your exertion
may be too strenuous for your current level of fitness. Reducing
the intensity of your workout is recommended.
The age-adjusted target heart rates indicated in the chart in
Appendix A reflect averages. A variety of factors (including
medication, emotional state, temperature, and other conditions)
can affect the exercise heart rate appropriate for you.
Warning: Consult your doctor to establish the exercise intensity
(target heart rate zone) appropriate for your age and condition
before beginning any exercise program.
Warm-Up: Slow and Deliberate Exercise
You are not warmed up until you begin to perspire lightly and
breathe deeper. Warming up prepares your heart and other
muscles for more intense exercise and helps you avoid premature
exhaustion. Start slowly, exploring different workloads until you
can comfortably sustain your exercise level. A good suggestion is
a minimum of three minutes. Perspiration on your brow is a good
indicator of a thorough warm-up. The older you are, the longer
your warm-up period should be.
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Your F.I.T. Program
chapter Five: Designing an Exercise Program
Workout: Brisk and Rhythmic Exercise
The workout trains and conditions your heart, lungs, and mus-
cles to operate more efficiently. Increase exercise in response
to your heart rate to train and strengthen your cardiovascular
system. Concentrate on exercising smoothly.
Cool-Down: Slow and Relaxed Exercise
Cooling down relaxes your muscles and gradually lowers your
heart rate. Slowly reduce your workload until your heart rate is
below 60 percent of your maximum heart rate. The cool down
should last at least five minutes, followed by some light stretch-
ing to enhance your flexibility.
Beginning a Fitness Program
If you cannot sustain 12 continuous minutes in your target heart
rate zone, exercise several times a day to get into the habit of
Try to reach and maintain 60-65 percent of your maximum
heart rate. Alternate exercise with periods of rest until you can
sustain 12 continuous minutes of exercise at 60-65 percent of
your maximum heart rate.
Begin exercising in three to five minute sessions.
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Establishing and Maintaining Fitness
chapter Five: Designing an Exercise Program
If you can sustain 12 but not 20 continuous minutes of exercise
in your target heart rate zone:
Exercise three to five days a week.
Rest at least two days per week.
Try to reach and maintain 60-75 percent of your maximum
heart rate with moderate rhythmic exercise.
Begin with 12 continuous minutes. Increase your time by one
to two minutes per week until you can sustain 20 continuous
If you can sustain 20 continuous minutes in your target heart
rate zone, begin to increase the length and intensity of your
Exercise four to six days a week or on alternate days.
Try to reach and maintain 70-85 percent of your maximum
heart rate with moderate to somewhat hard exercise.
Exercise for 20-30 minutes.
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Weight Management
chapter Five: Designing an Exercise Program
Consistent aerobic exercise will help you change your body
composition by lowering your percentage of body fat. If weight
loss is a goal, combine an increase in the length of your work-
outs with a moderate decrease in caloric intake. For weight
control, how long and how often you exercise is more important
than how hard you exercise.
Exercise four to five times a week.
Try to reach and maintain 60-75 percent of your maximum
heart rate with moderate exercise.
Exercise for 30-45 minutes at 60-65 percent of your target heart
Here are some tips to achieving your weight management goal:
Consume most of your dietary calories at breakfast and lunch,
and eat a light dinner. Do not eat close to bedtime.
Exercise before meals. Moderate exercise will help suppress your
Take exercise breaks throughout the day to help increase me-
tabolism (calorie expenditure).
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
A Sports Training Program
chapter Five: Designing an Exercise Program
When you are training to improve strength and performance:
Exercise four to five days a week. Alternate exercise days and
intervals of hard to very hard exercise with easy to moderate
Exercise for 30 minutes or longer.
Warning: these strategies are intended for average healthy adults.
If you have pain or tightness in your chest, an irregular heartbeat,
shortness of breath or if you feel faint or have any discomfort
when you exercise, Stop! Consult your physician before
continuing. Remember, every workout should begin with a
warm-up and finish with a cool-down.
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Chapter Six
Care and Maintenance
In This Chapter:
How to Care for Your Bike
Chapter 1: Riding Your Bike
Chapter 2: The Display
Chapter 3: Manual and Pre-Set Programs
Chapter 4: Heart Rate Control
Chapter 5: Designing an Exercise Program
Chapter 6: Care and Maintenance
How to Care For Your Bike
chapter Six: Care and Maintenance
Your ES9.0 bike doesn’t require any routine maintenance, not
How to Care
For Your
even lubrication. Keeping it clean is the most important task.
After every workout: Perspiration should be wiped from the
control console, contact heart rate pads, shrouds, and seat.
Weekly: Wipe down your ES9.0 bike once a week with a water-
dampened soft cloth. On the contact heart rate pads, use a glass
cleaning solution. Be careful not to get excessive moisture
between the edge of the overlay panel and the console, as this
might create an electrical hazard or cause the electronics to fail.
Expert service and maintenance at a reasonable cost are avail-
able through your factory-trained, authorized TRUE Fitness
dealer. The dealer maintains a stock of repair and replacement
parts and has the technical knowledge to meet your service
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Appendix A
Appendix A
Maximum Heart Rate and
Target Heart RAte
Appendix A
Heart Rate
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Appendix A
Remember to check with your physician before beginning any
exercise program. He/She can help determine an appropriate
target heart rate. Medications often affect heart rate.
with Your
Robert Robergs, editor of the prestigious Journal of Exercise
Physiology, conducted a study in 2002 of the maximal heart rate
equation 220 - age. He found this equation “has no scientific
merit for use in exercise physiology and related fields.”
A New
In his survey of research in this area, Robergs found several
other simple equations that were significantly more accurate.
The best equation he found was derived in 1994 by Oten Inbar:
205.8 - (0.685 * age)
The ES9.0 console uses the Inbar equation. Even though this is
the best available equation, it still has a possible range of error
of +/- 6 beats per minute.
Other similar equations that are also more accurate than 220 -
age are:
206.3 - (0.711 * age) (Londeree, 1982)
206.0 - (0.700 * age) (Tanaka, 2001)
208.8 - (0.734 * age) (Robergs meta study, 2002)
Roberg’s paper can be found here:
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B
Eddy Current
Eddy Current
30 to 350 watts
30 to 350 watts
Time, Work Level, Distance, Watts, RPM, Mets,
Time, Work Level, Distance, Watts, RPM, Mets,
Heart Rate, Calories
16 Characters
Contact + Wireless
Heart Rate, Calories
16 Characters
Contact + Wireless
Cardio, Fat Burn, Hills, Random, Manual
Cardio, Fat Burn, Hills, Random, Manual
110VAC External
110VAC External
Robotically Welded, Heavy-Gauge Steel Tubing
Robotically Welded, Heavy Gauge Steel Tubing
50"H x 25"W x 65.65"L (127cm x 64 cm x 167
57"H x 25"W x 43"L (145 cm x 64 cm x 110 cm)
205 lbs (93 kg)
120 lbs (54 kg)
350 lbs (159 kg)
350 lbs (159 kg)
One-Piece Forged Steel with Sealed Bearings
One-Piece Forged Steel with Sealed Bearings
Frame (Lifetime), Parts (5), Labor (1)
Frame (Lifetime), Parts (10), Labor (1)
ES9.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
F o u n d e d 1 9 8 1
865 Hoff Road
St. Louis, MO 63366
TRUE is a registered trademark of TRUE FITNESS.
Specifications subject to change.
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